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This Playlist contains Exclusive Content for members only, additional videos I have made for those who support this ministry by subscribing monthly. If you haven't already please support by subscribing at: https://ministries.leodunson.com/checkout/subscribe

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  • What Is Sin According to the Bible?

    What Is Sin According to the Bible?

    To gain access to all exclusive content and unreleased videos on Leo Dunson Ministries please subscribe here: https://ministries.leodunson.com/checkout/subscribe

  • Interracial Marriage Is Forbidden in the Bible (Full Video)

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    Become a "Leo Dunson Ministries" Member by subscribing at: https://ministries.leodunson.com/checkout/subscribe

    “Do not intermarry with them. Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daug...

  • A Civil War Is Coming (Full Video)

    Become a Member, by subscribing at: https://ministries.leodunson.com/checkout/subscribe

    “They will begin to make war against one another, city against city, region against region, nation against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.” 2 Esdras 13:31

    Region against Region, which means state agains...

  • 400 years & the Abraham Accord

    400 years & the Abraham Accord

  • God Is On Our Side

    God Is On Our Side

  • There Is Something About The Name Of Jesus (Full Video)

    Plainly speaking the name of “Jesus,” Yahshua, Yahawashi, Messiah, Jesus, Yahawah, are all synonyms. The definition of a synonym "Words that have the same or similar meaning." The Bible Prophesied that Christ would be called by many names:

    “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; a...

  • This War Must Happen

    This War Must Happen: “I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will enter into judgment against them concerning My people, My inheritance, Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations as they divided up My land." Joel 3:2

    God Plan Ultimately...

  • Ban the ADL was Trending On Twitter

    If you wanted to post something critical of Black People right now on one of your social media platforms you could, if you wanted to post something critical of White People, of Chinese People, or Russians you could with no problem. However, if you wanted to post something critical of Jewish Peopl...

  • We Will Inherit the Earth

    When I was in the Army, the used to say "Be Careful of the A** your kicking, it could be the same A** your kissing one day." I have seen this ring true in so many aspects of life. The Bible says:

    “Behold, the days are coming,” declares the LORD, “when the plowman will overtake the reaper and th...

  • Black Adam (Movie Review)

    If you haven't already please subscribe here to support this ministry: https://ministries.leodunson.com/checkout/subscribe/purchase

    “For since by a man came death, by a man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive.“ 1 Corinthians 15...

  • All Who Want to Be Saved (Long Rant)

    If you haven't already please subscribe here to support this ministry: https://ministries.leodunson.com/checkout/subscribe/purchase

    I think I will do more exclusive content like this with just me ranting on and on again, but next time I will try to be more precise and hammer down my thesis more....

  • The Tribulations Are Coming To The Nations! Not to You!

    The Tribulations are coming to the Nation! Not to You! Over and Over again God talks about how his wrath is coming to the nations:

    'I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat,' Joel 3:2

    “The tumult will resound to the ends of the earth because the LO...

  • We Are Not Our Ancestors

    Please do not believe for one second that I don’t have the upmost reverence and honor to our ancestors. However, I have observed a trend of videos lately of Black People stating in their videos and posts that “We Are Not Our Ancestors.” My understanding of it is that they are stating that if a Wa...

  • Do Not Go Back to Sleep

    Do Not Go Back to Sleep

  • Recap, I Am a Hebrew Israelite, Now What?

    Recap, I Am a Hebrew Israelite, Now What?

  • Are You Willing to Die for this? (Part 2) - Exclusive Content

    Are You Willing to Die for this? (Part 2)

  • Professor Cornel West Denied Tenure at Harvard?

    When I first heard about this story, I was sure that the Professor was denied tenure due to his failure or unwillingness to endorse Joe Biden for President. However, I was wrong and in the video as you will see Professor Cornel West explains the unpopular political position he took that ultimatel...

  • Remember Who You Are!

    If you haven't already please subscribe here to support this ministry: https://ministries.leodunson.com/checkout/subscribe/purchase

    “And after this they will TURN TO ME (They Will Remember ME) from amongst the Gentiles with all their heart and with all their soul and with all their strength, an...

  • The Year of Your Exodus

    The Year of Your Exodus