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Creflo Dollar Apologizes for His Sermons done on Tithing?

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Can You Convert to Being An Israelite?

Gods Laws, Commandments, & Statutes • 5m 46s

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  • Creflo Dollar Apologizes for His Serm...

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    Famous Mega Church Pastor Creflo Dollar recently did a Sermon to his congregation where he...

  • Multiple Wives in the Bible (Recap)

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    This is vastly becoming one of my favorite subjects to discuss and it is simply because of the amount of people who disagree with Gods (Yahuahas') word. Never did I...

  • 6 Days You Shall Do Work & Then Rest ...

    I've noticed since coming into the "Truth" that everyone focuses on resting on the "Sabbath," but I have honestly, never heard anyone emphasize the command that precedes the Sabbath. Which is to WORK, Labor, GRIND, 6 DAYS A WEEK.

    “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9Six days you shall ...