

This is a playlist of Sermons & Messages from Leo Dunson Ministries.

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  • Many Will Fall Away from the faith in the End

    Living in these Last Days I have noticed that the main reason Many are falling away from their faith is learning of the truth. See the Devil has sowed seeds of lies to us our whole lives, so that now that we are discovering the truth sounds worst than the lies.

    'and all the ways that wickedness ...

  • In these Days the WORD OF GOD is Scarce

    In my absence, I have been searching for a Word from God. After weeks of exploration, I have discovered that "In These Days the Word of God is Scarce."
    “In those days the word of the LORD was rare; there were not many visions.” 1 Samuel 3:1

    It's just a fact, you can't find someone speaking the t...

  • Peace has been taken from the earth....

    Peace has been taken from the earth

  • All Who Want to be Saved, Can Be Saved (Part 1)

    The truth is that everyone can be saved, there's just too many scriptures in the bible to ignore referring to the Jews and the Gentiles: 'For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings SALVATION to everyone who believes: first to the Jew,(Israelites) then to the Ge...

  • The Seals are being Broken

    The Seals are being Broken

  • All Who Want to be Saved, Can be Saved (Part2)

    All Who Want to be Saved, Can be Saved (Part2)

  • No Weapon Formed Against You Shall Prosper

    Recently, Dr. Fauci's emails have been leaked. Discovered in those emails was that he was aware that the plague was created in a lab. This lab ironically, with no surprise to us was partially funded by Dr. Fauci. Some of the research done in this lab "Gain of Function Research" was to create biol...

  • What to Watch Out for Next?

    Has anyone noticed the price of Food going up? Bill Gates buying up all the farm land in America. Currently a lot of states reopening and the Governments are saying there is peace and safety. There’s many scriptures on these events and times that we are living in, I have divulged through a few of...

  • This is the Mark of the Beast

    This is the Mark of the Beast. Corona has 6 letters, Calculate the number of the Beast. If you calculate the letters in their numeric order assigning each letter a number C = 3, O = 15, R = 18, O = 15, N = 14, A = 1 it equals = 66, combining it with the 6 letters equals 666.

    The second beast w...

  • Is this the End of the World, as we know it?

    Here goes Leo, again with his doomsday preaching. No, not at all. I think it is pretty clear that this is the End of the World as we know it. Nonetheless, the World, or what is to come is so uncertain. In this video I try to divest what God has laid on my heart about the world to come and a littl...

  • Our Time is coming

    90% of the time when you've heard a Preacher say "Our Time is coming" it was theoretical or metaphorical. The Preacher was trying to inspire us in giving us an faithful assurance that the things that we desire in this world, were going to come to us soon. In this message I attempt to give us a si...

  • We Are God's Chosen People

    We can't be killed by the Coronavirus. I know, I know you've heard about Kevin Durant catching this virus and others. However, I know with 100% certain that we can not be killed.

    I mean the true Israelite's. The entire world knows who we are except us, the Americans a few European nations, but m...

  • The State of Black America

    We Voted and we now have the people in office that they advised us before the election would help us. The people from the same party that we have voted for the last 100 years. Another Police Shooting of an unarmed Black Man, this time a teenager, another riot after his death, another march after ...

  • Do Not Go Back to Sleep

    Do Not Go Back to Sleep

  • I'm taking my life back

    2021 has been a rough road. Nonetheless, God is still on the throne. I hope this message encourages you, I pray that you can use some of these steps. To Help you "Take Your Life Back."

  • Keep Living

    Has anyone found themselves drifting during these last days? Uncertain about tomorrow, worried about what regulations will be put in place next? Who is the next President? Will we have to take the vaccine? When is the next outbreak? Over the years, I've learned that you can only control what you ...

  • Keep your eyes on the prize

    It is so easy to get distracted today, especially with them opening things back up. I found myself recently falling into this slumber, taking my eyes off of God and back on the world. It honestly wasn't until a TikTok video that I came across, which I mention in this sermon, that woke me back up....

  • This is Just a Test

    So much uncertainty going on today. With the looming of Vaccines, is it the Mark of the Beast, what will happen if I take it? I asked God to give me an encouraging message for you, speaking about all those topics and more. Listen up.

    The Social Media Giants (Facebook, Youtube, Twitter) have been...

  • Who or What do you represent?

    Ironically, I gave this entire sermon and didn't even mention that fact that Blacks in America, mostly all of us our last name came from our Slave Masters. For example my last name Dunson, was the name of the Slave Master who owned my family generations ago. Think of it, we are literally the only...

  • Victory Over the Mark

    “And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.” Revelation 15:2

    'It also forced all people, great and small, r...

  • We Will Survive This

    There’s widespread turmoil, we are all living in perilous times. Somedays it’s difficult to see how we will survive, somedays it’s difficult to see, how we will get a win out of so much loss. Nonetheless, God has given me a message for his people, God has given me a message for you that hope in h...

  • Israel, Unite In Christ

    I had the pleasure of speaking with Bishop Nathanyel of IUIC in an interview. I thought the interview went really well. Two Black Men discussing politics, religion, race and most importantly our identity as the Israelites. After the interview I started to search the internet for that similar vide...

  • Prophecy Verses Salvation

    These are too big areas of the Bible that seem to always get mixed up together or combined as being the same thing. Prophecy can obviously be consider salvation because prophecy is future events to occur. Nonetheless, Salvation and prophecy are two different ideas altogether. Salvation obviously ...

  • God Is In Control

    There is so much uncertainty going on in the world. We literally wake up everyday to new regulations, new legislations and implemented changes. Many are on the edge as to whether they will have to take the #Vaccine​ or will they be forced to leave their places of employment if they do not take th...