

This is a playlist of Sermons & Messages from Leo Dunson Ministries.

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  • This is what Happens when you put your Faith in Man and not in God

    You’ve seen the riots, you’ve seen much Civil Unrest over the past few years. Now, we are all living in days of uncertainty, all living in days of the unknown. Yet, I contend with you brothers and sisters, that we are only living in this state, because our trust is in Man and not in God. God has ...

  • Nick Cannon says that Black Americans are the real Israelites of the Holy Bible

    Interesting enough, in Nick Cannon latest interview that got him fired, him mentioned a lot of different things. The powers that be want you to believe they fired him for the pigmentation comments. Yet, there's no doubt that he was fired for making the claim that Black Americans are the real Jews...

  • What Happens Next? After Elections Prophecy

    Well Joe Biden is President, What Happens Next?

    As you guys are aware, the Social Media Giants have been blocking, deleting and shadow banning Christ Followers. I will be leaving Social Media all together and going over to my Exclusive Content page. Please come join today: http://LeoDunsonMinist...

  • What is Happening? Election Prophecy

    As the world sits an waits on the contested results of the 2020 Election. God (Yah) started to reveal to me some of his prophecies in Revelations as they pertain to the current President Election environment in America. First prophecy at 2:33​, second at 4:47​ , third prophecy 6:45​, Fourth 10:5...

  • I'm Voting for God 2020

    Who are you voting for this upcoming election? Using the scriptures I have laid out in several videos how voting equates to idol worship. Explaining that voting is to believe that something/someone other than God can change your life. The bible says that our God is a Jealous God, the Bible says t...

  • Joe Biden Vows to Vaccinate 100 Million people in his first 100 Days

    These are perilous times that we are living in. I never thought I would be like the Homeless man standing on the side of the road holding a sign that says, "Repent For the End is Near." Nonetheless, that's where I find myself today. I have heard some say that the coming Vaccine is not the Mark of...

  • Put Your Losses behind You #LebronJames

    Watching the NBA finals, made me start to look back on the career of Lebron James. I thought about how many times he has lost in the finals. It's honestly remarkable if you think about it, to have the strength, to have the discipline and honestly just the motivation to get back up after failing s...

  • Kanye West says Harriet Tubman did not Free the Slaves

    The Social Media Giants (Facebook, Youtube, Twitter) have been blocking, deleting and shadow banning Christ Followers. Some verses of the Bible we are not allowed to read without being banned, some Biblical Topics we are not allowed to discuss without being deleted. So, I have created my own Excl...

  • God Hears Our Cries #JacobBlake

    "And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in (America) Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows; And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the (Americans)Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land...

  • The Time for Marching is Over #GeorgeFloyd

    We are honestly at a crossroads in America. I know it's an election year and I understand that these shootings become more politicized and polarizing. Nonetheless, it's another death of another Unarmed Black Man at the hands of another White Police Officer.

    I'd first like to thank those White Am...

  • Are We Headed Towards a New World Order

    These are perilous times, I don't believe anyone would refute that. In many ways it appears as though everyday a biblical story or verse that we read as children is lived out right before our very eyes. Now this could all just be a coincidence. Maybe the mobilizing of troops, maybe the plagues, e...

  • Is this a Politically induced Recession?

    Many are starting to ask the question, what is really going on? Is this a Politically induced Recession? The short answer is, yes it is, but all recessions are politically induced one way or another.

    Nonetheless, most of the folks I have talked to in the last few weeks during this quarantine "BL...

  • Military Vehicles seen in New York & California. Who are they preparing to fight

    President Trump has said on several occasions that this is an invisible enemy that the world is at war with. Nonetheless, all over the world, Militarizes of all nations are mobilizing. I ask the question "Who are they preparing to fight?"

    The Social Media Giants (Facebook, Youtube, Twitter) have...

  • We Need The Renewing Of Our Minds - Exclusive Content

    Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12.2

    The Social Media Giants (Facebook, Youtube, Twitter) have been blocking, deleting and shadow...

  • What do you want your last post to be?

    What do you want your last post to be?

  • ‘We are Culture-less, We are Orphans, We are Lost Sheep' - Kanye West

    Kanye West sat down recently with Big Boy TV and said that Black America is Culture-less, matter a fact he said we are culture vultures.

    I 100% agree with Kanye West, really it's just facts. Yet the question begs to differ why don't we have a culture? All peoples of the earth have a culture, ca...

  • What Message is God Sending The World?

    What Message is God Sending the World? The strip clubs are closed, the liquor stores closed, the weed dispensaries shut down, God is giving the whole world ample time away from our vices to repent and return to him.

    Give an Offering to Leo Dunson Ministries at​

  • Born Oppressed, but I'm Not Staying That Way - Exclusive Content

    If you live long enough, you will learn. That most people who stay in the same circumstances, want to be in those situations. They've had plenty of opportunities to change. Many opportunities to get ahead. However, many of them love the idea of being the victim, some of them thrive off the empath...