The Mark of the Beast

The Mark of the Beast

9 Episodes

The Mark of the Beast

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The Mark of the Beast
  • What is a Beast? In Regards to the Mark of the Beast?

    Episode 1

    You have heard of the "Mark of the Beast." There's many different interpretations and theories on what a "Mark" is or what it will be. However, you almost never hear about what is a "Beast." I wanted to make a quick message explaining what a "Beast" is according to the Bible, and maybe that would...

  • The Mark of America

    Episode 2

    This is a message I did for my exclusive channel at The message describes what I believe to be the obvious. The Bible explained that the Mark of the Beast would be instituted by the most powerful nation in the world, it explains that it would be forced on all peo...

  • Joe Biden Vows to Vaccinate 100 Million people in his first 100 Days

    Episode 3

    These are perilous times that we are living in. I never thought I would be like the Homeless man standing on the side of the road holding a sign that says, "Repent For the End is Near." Nonetheless, that's where I find myself today. I have heard some say that the coming Vaccine is not the Mark of...

  • Can you Accidentally take the Mark of the Beast?

    Episode 4

    Can you accidentally take the Mark of the Beast?

  • Taking the Mark of the Beast? Q & A

    Episode 5

    Here is a "LIVE" Question and Answer discussion that I conducted on Facebook entitled "Taking the Mark of the Beast?"

    We discussed the Anti-Christ, and who it could possibly be, we discussed the penalty for taking the Mark, we discussed those who will get the Victory Over the Mark as well as oth...

  • This is the Mark of the Beast

    Episode 6

    This is the Mark of the Beast. Corona has 6 letters, Calculate the number of the Beast. If you calculate the letters in their numeric order assigning each letter a number C = 3, O = 15, R = 18, O = 15, N = 14, A = 1 it equals = 66, combining it with the 6 letters equals 666.

    The second beast w...

  • Victory Over the Mark

    Episode 7

    “And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.” Revelation 15:2

    'It also forced all people, great and small, r...

  • Are You Willing to Die for this?

    Episode 8

    This is a question we all have to ask ourselves during these days. In the old church everyone would of said "Amen." It was easy to get an "Amen" out of everyone on this subject. Mainly, because they were not enduring persecution as we are right now. Mainly, because they were not living during the...

  • Cain, the Seed of the Serpent

    Episode 9

    Just as it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end. Information has been discovered to show the "New Mark" as having snake venom. Satan is literally attempting to make the world apart of his family, changing DNA, corrupting all flesh. When I watched this video the first scripture that cam...